
Sunday, November 6, 2011


The National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families

Zero to Three is a national, nonprofit organization.  The organization trains, informs, and supports policymakers, professionals, and parents in an effort to improve the lives of children.  Zero to Three is a very informational site, and is an excellent resource with information on a variety of topics.  The website can be found at

When viewing the home page, you will notice a number of options.  Three different online newsletters are available, with easy sign up requirements.  I signed up for them, but have yet to receive them.   A policy network is available for membership, to voice advocacy efforts.  My personal favorite spot on the home page is called Find It Fast.  You can drag a list of many topics, choose one, and find endless amounts of information!  I entered the topic “Immigration”, and immediately could view several articles related to the subject.

Did you ever hear of a baby brain map?  On the home page of the Zero to Three website you will discover a link to this unique type of map!  Once on the mapping page, you can select an age and see the parts of the brain currently under development.  Click on the brain segments, and see questions, tips, and comments on brain development!

I found some information on diversity within the Zero to Three website.  I also found information on immigration, English as a Second Language, and culture.  One California based article, titled Overview of Roots of Decline:  How Government Policy ahs De-Educated Teachers of Young Children, I found very interesting.  This article related immigration to the downfall of teachers in Early Childhood Education.  According to the article, the influx of young children into the system caused a high demand in a very short period of time.  Early Childhood programs were forced to take quantity over quality.  With a lack of qualified teachers available, standards were lowered, and less qualified teachers were hired.


Bellm, D. and Whitebook, M. (2005). Overview of Roots of Decline:  How Government Policy has De-Educated Teachers of Young Children.  Retrieved from  

1 comment:

  1. Comment Posted by Robin Lemire

    Zero to Three is a really interesting website. I found a variety of information which will be a great resource during this course as well as when I need to do research now and in the future. I also like the idea that there are multiple online newsletters and how easy it was to sign up for each of them.
