
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

EDUC 6164 - Week 2 - My Family Culture

If I were to suddenly travel to a foreign country, and could only take three items, I would take:
1.   A group photograph of my extended family
2.   A small pocketknife given to me by my father
3.   My grandmothers recipe book

The photograph would remind me of the people I had to leave behind.

The pocketknife has been with me since I was six.  My father gave it to me.  It represents a special bond between us.

My grandmother’s hand written recipe book from the early 1900’s has some of her thoughts and ideas written among the recipes.  My mother used the book as a child.  It is being passed down to each generation.

If I were told to keep only one item, I would feel very sad.  I would immediately begin to think of ways to sneak the other items in.  Then, I would look to the bright side, and be glad that my immediate family was safe and with me.  If I had to make a choice, the choice would be easy.  I would keep the picture. 

My family is the most important part of my life.  Things come second.  The most important cultural components of my family relate to the persons, not possessions.  I can be happy anywhere, as long as my family is with me.


  1. Mary,
    You have given great thought to your three items-all of which are very meaningful to you. I agree with you. I would find some way to sneak all of my items with me (and extra if I could). Your choice and reasons to keep your family photo are great!

  2. Mary,

    We both chose to take a picture of our family as well as a family heirloom. In my case, I chose to take a family quilt that I had made with my mother and grandmother.
